S.R. 1058, Section HAT (Phase I) Construction Complete
Final design for Section Hat (Phase I) was completed on June 4, 2009. The project’s bid package was published by PennDOT for contractor bidding. Allan A. Myers was the low bidder with a bid of $22,941,595.01. The Phase I construction was completed in May 2012.
S.R. 1058, Section HT2 (Phase II) – Under Construction
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) is constructing Section HT2 (Phase II) . This includes construction of an extension of Wambold Road (S.R. 1058) on a proposed new alignment from its current terminus at Allentown Road to Township Line Road. The project will enhance Township Line Road from Cowpath Road to Hatfield Souderton Pike.
PennDOT conducted an Open House Public Plans Display to inform the community about the project on Thursday, October 19, 2017. Members of the project team were present to answer questions and receive input on the preliminary design. Information about the Open House Public Plans Display was published in the October 5, 2017 edition of The Times Herald. Residents, businesses, and elected officials immediately adjacent to the project corridor also received information in the mail.
S.R. 1058, Section HT3 (Phase III) – Preliminary Engineering
The third and final project section of this transportation improvement plan, Section HT3 (Phase III), is currently in preliminary engineering. It extends along E. Township Line Road from Hatfield/Souderton Pike to County Line Road, Route 309 and Fairhill Road in Hatfield and Franconia Townships, Montgomery County, and Hilltown Township, Bucks County. This section covers approximately one-mile of roadway and includes a partial interchange at Route 309 with the replacement of the Fairhill Road bridge over Route 309.
On May 24 and May 25, PennDOT held a series of live, virtual public meetings to provide an update on Phase III (Section HT3) project and to obtain input from the community. Members of the public can view a video of the plans display that was shown during the public meetings on the Phase III (Section HT3) webpage. The comment period for the plans display ended on June 10. You can reach the project team by visiting the Contact Us page.
Community Involvement
Public outreach, community engagement and local participation in the development of the Sumneytown Pike/PA 309 Connector Project is of high value and importance. Questions, comments and opinions received from stakeholders inform the process from the initial planning phases until completion.
Coordination with stakeholders through public meetings and briefings will take place throughout the life of the project with the goal of enhancing the exchange of information and opinions between the public and project team. In addition, members of the project team biannually attend the Franconia City Council meeting to present the latest project news and information. You can reach the project team by visiting the Contact Us page.